We are a group of people that want to help people to find God and work through their hurts, hangups, and habits.
Johnny Baker
Pastor and Global Executive Director of Celebrate RecoveryJohnny Baker has been on staff at Saddleback Church with Celebrate Recovery since 2004 and has been the Pastor of Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback Church since 2012. As an adult child of an alcoholic who chose to become an alcoholic himself, Johnny is passionate about breaking the cycle of dysfunction in his family and helping other families find the tools that will lead to healing and openness. He knows that because of Jesus Christ, and by continuing to stay active in Celebrate Recovery, Maggie, Chloe, and Jimmy – his three children – will never see him drink. Johnny is a nationally recognized speaker, trainer, and teacher of Celebrate Recovery.
Jeni Baker
Global Executive Director of Celebrate RecoveryJeni, together with her husband Johnny, serves as the Global Executive Director of Celebrate Recovery. She has a heart for sharing her story of God’s victory in her life over codependency and childhood dysfunction, and sharing the hope and healing she has found in recovery. They have been married since 2000, have 3 kids, and have served together in ministry for over 16 years. She has a desire to help others find the same freedom and healing she has experienced in her own life.
Rodney Holmstrom
Global Field Director of Celebrate RecoveryRodney Holmstrom is the Global Field Director of CR. He has also served the past 18 years as CR pastor of Fellowship Bible in NW Arkansas. He is enthusiastic about helping families and communities break the cycles of dysfunction to help them in finding purpose in their pain from their hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Rodney is also a Licensed Professional Counselor and practices in NW Arkansas. He and his wife of 32 years, Carol, have two married adult children, his son, Jason married to Leasha, and his daughter, Taylor, married to Luke. He and his wife are proud grandparents to three grandchildren.
Mac Owen
Global Director of Celebrate RecoveryAfter 14 years of leading a recovery ministry at their church, Mac and Mary went to their first Celebrate Recovery Summit in 2004 at Saddleback Church in California. They’ve been leading in CR ever since! Mac was an elder at WFR Church, West Monroe, LA for 17 years and now serves as an elder at Impact Christian Church, Woodland Park, CO. Mac has served as CR Ministry Leader in West Monroe, LA, CR Louisiana State Rep, CR Regional Director, CR National Assimilation Coach. For the last 14 years, Mac is serving as the National/Global Director of CR.
Andy Petry
The Landing DirectorAndy serves as the Landing Director for Celebrate Recovery and is passionate about impacting the church to help bring healing to families and to set up the next generation with the same healing that Celebrate Recovery has brought in his life. Andy has worked with his local CR since 2015 and through it has watched God bring freedom in so many ways, especially in his struggle with pornography. Andy currently serves on staff as the ministry leader for CR at Fellowship Fayetteville. He and his wife Julia are proud parents of their 2 young kids, Harper and Hudson.
Dickie Everman
Southeast Regional DirectorDickie’s struggles have been with alcohol and drugs. His sobriety date is May 5th, 1996. He has been married to his beautiful wife, JuaNita for 34 years. They have four adult children, five grandchildren, one great grandchild and two grandchildren on the way. They started their Celebrate Recovery at Calvary Christian Church in Winchester, Ky in 2007. He joined the staff at Calvary in 2011 as Recovery Pastor and became a State Rep in 2013. Dickie was asked to serve on the National Team in 2019 where he serves as the Southeast Regional Director.
Jeff Redmond
West Regional DirectorJeff Redmond is currently the CR Western Regional Director. Jeff has been a member of Bayside Church in Granite Bay, CA since 1997. In 2001 after attending the CR Summit, Jeff started a Celebrate Recovery ministry at Bayside, was hired in 2004, made CR Pastor in 2011. Jeff’s past struggle with alcohol, is what led him eventually to find Celebrate Recovery and discover the answer to his calling and purpose from God. Through Celebrate Recovery, he discovered that, his pride, controlling, codependent, people pleasing and low self-esteem, fueled his sin addiction to alcohol. In 2007, Jeff began sharing CR around the world. Colombia, Nigeria, India, Mexico, Vietnam, Cambodia, 2007- 2023. Jeff has been married to Debi for 51 years. Has 3 adult children and 10 grandchildren.
Ken Haffner
South Central Regional DirectorKen Haffner serves as the Executive Pastor for HighPoint Fellowship in Splendora, TX, where he has been a member since 2006 and has been serving in ministry since 2007. He began his recovery journey in 1996 and loves working with people in their recovery. He and his wife Tammy helped start the CR ministry at their church in 2008. Today, Ken serves as the CR South Central Regional Director. Ken loves working with others and spending time with his family.
Mary Owen
CPR Director-WomenMary married her high school sweetheart, Mac, in 1976. Despite facing a challenging decade due to Mac\’s struggle with drug addiction, their lives took a positive turn after attending their first CR Summit at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, in 2004. Currently, Mary finds joy in guiding other pastors\’ wives through Celebrate Pastors Recovery Step Studies. Mary and Mac are blessed with three children and ten grandchildren. Mary cherishes leading in ministry alongside Mac, and she fondly says, "The best adventure began in our life in 1988, and it just keeps getting better!”
Roger Stanton
Mental Health DirectorRoger Stanton, once an isolated architect, lived a life of hidden struggles masked by his pride. In 2009, amidst his broken sexual desires and a failing marriage, this lifelong sinner encountered a transformative experience of Christ’s freedom through the ministry of Celebrate Recovery. Together with his wife Sarah, Roger has served for over a decade as a ministry leader in CR. God continues to breathe restoration into Roger and his marriage, even allowing their recovery story to help others across the globe. He has served on the CR National Team in various capacities and is currently pursuing studies to integrate his passions with his calling as a mental health counselor.
Sabrena Stolze
Training Director of Celebrate RecoverySabrena Stolze started attending CR in 2007 for codependency and food issues, and is currently exploring recovery for Complex PTSD and Inattentive ADHD. She served at her local CR as a small group leader, Landing Director, Training Coach and Ministry Leader. She also served as a Celebrate Recovery Representative, Regional Director, CR Rep Trainer, and currently serves as the Training Director for Celebrate Recovery. She has a BA in Communications and Media Studies, is a Certified Peer Support Specialist, and her passion is training and teaching on personal recovery, leadership, and how to start and run healthy Celebrate Recovery Ministries.
Sarah Stanton
Mental Health DirectorSarah Stanton has been involved with Celebrate Recovery since 2009. Over the last decade, she has co-led a CR in WA alongside her husband, Roger. Sarah’s upbringing in a dysfunctional home led her to deeply appreciate her mother’s faith in the Lord, which guided her towards Jesus, the source of true peace and wholeness. Together with her husband, Sarah has traveled across the U.S., sharing their story of marital healing. For the past four years, Sarah has served as Celebrate Recovery’s Director of Mental Health, overseeing a dedicated global team of Mental Health Ambassadors. Sarah cherishes her role as a wife and mother to her three teenage daughters: Bella, Mia, and Laila. Professionally, she runs a private practice specializing in mental health counseling.
Scott Kemp
North Central Regional DirectorScott Kemp has been in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction for over 30 years and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior in 1994. After a dozen years of secular recovery in AA, he was introduced to Celebrate Recovery in 2005 at the Summit Conference. His work in CR has helped him to overcome an addiction to pornography and experience recovery from codependency, lust, and grief. He and his wife Veronica have served as Ministry Leaders at their local church for 18 years. Scott served as a State Rep in Illinois for 6 years and now serves as the North Central Regional Director.
Sheila Knudson
Northeast Regional DirectorSheila currently serves as the Northeast Regional Director. Sheila is also a mom, grandma, and soon to be great grandma. Since 2005, Sheila has been dedicated to leading in various roles at CR. Beginning as a Ministry Leader, she then added serving as a State Representative for Ohio in 2010. She became the first Team Lead for Ohio then transitioning into leading the Northeast Region in 2017. Sheila has a desire to help people in their journey of healing through the foundation of Jesus Christ and the ministry of Celebrate Recovery. The love and support found in the world wide ministry of CR has helped her not only heal in the area of co-dependency and the effects of past abuse but has also seen her through her grief journey having experienced much loss over the years.
Sylvia Chesser
Celebration Place DirectorSylvia has been the Childrens ministry leader for her CR for 20 years and served as a regional rep for Celebration Place for 7 years before becoming the Director in 2021. She has four children who have all experienced both CP and the Landing and has seen God work in incredible ways through their involvement in Celebrate Recovery. She believes the next generation ministries of CR help our youth learn to rely on Jesus instead of the things of the world. She is passionate about sharing how CP and the Landing support children from hard places in addition to teaching “pre-covery” concepts to all children who attend.
Your Summit Team
There is a lot that goes into having Summit each year. We have a great group of people who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to having the best Summit each year.
Marnie Buehler
Conferences Director